SSL stands for secure sockets layer and is a system that is used to encrypt information on websites. You may have noticed that some website addresses begin with HTTP, whilst others are HTTPS? The extra ‘s’ stands for ‘secure’ and it means that the web page you are viewing is encrypted.
Secure sockets layer is used to protect website visitors. In particular, it ‘scrambles’ any data they input on a website, for example, personal details in a contact form, or bank details. If a website has an SSL certificate in place, it is better for users as it is more secure.
How do I know if my website is secure?
Depending on the web browser you use (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari), you will usually see a ‘secure’ message or badge of some kind, such as a green padlock. If a website isn’t secure, the browser will inform you with a message and possibly a red padlock.
In addition to a certificate, you also need to ensure that any content on your web pages is served over HTTPS. There’s a great website called WhyNoPadlock which can help you find out if your website is secure and, if not, why not.

How do I get an SSL certificate?
When we manage your website for you, we sort out your SSL certificate as it can be a minefield. A basic SSL certificate can be free of charge. You can obtain these through Let’s Encrypt.
Web hosts can also provide you with an SSL certificate. This is the way we would normally do it for you.
Some websites, for example, high-turnover eCommerce sites, may require a more advanced SSL certificate. You can pay more for an SSL certificate that offers insurance on transactions via your website, amongst other things.
If you would like our help with a security issue, please get in touch. You can also find out more about our website management services here.